Friday 22 April 2016

Nico Back At The Vets

Today I had to take scabby ears back to the vets.  But really we still have no conclusion. The vets is almost certain it's nothing to worry about, not contagious or anything but it just won't go away. His ears are not itchy or don't appear sore, its just so odd as he has bald patches on both sides and his skin on the tip of the ear appears scaly.  So try the coartavance spray again and if no success then they will have to do scrapings or a hair follicle test or something ....   
Anyway the three of us had a sneaky extra little walk ...
 but don't tell the others!!

Whilst at the Cibyn I decided to have a chat with Rachel the vet about Finlay. I know she's not the vet treating him but I felt I needed some advice. The last 2 days Finlay has been a little more "flat" again and I'm struggling to get him to eat. I told her that he had bad days and better days. She suggested that possibly the tumor was bleeding a little causing him to become anemic, but that it was not happening too often yet and he was recovering giving him better days in between. She suggested I check his colour when I got home and yes sadly he is a little pale. So on her advice we'll see how the weekend goes and hope he'll get another good spell now.