Friday 29 April 2016

Naughty Nico

Last night Nico's daughters won BIS and RBIS, his son Loki also winning Open dog at a Club show! I was so proud of them ... and so proud of him for being the daddy!
This morning I'm not so proud of him!
Last night I got home with minutes to spare to see the last part of "In The Line Of Duty" threw my coat on the back of the sofa, grabbed a glass of wine, watched my program and went to bed! This morning I've found my coat shredded! Yes he did it, there were only three in the living room so I know he did it! Why would he do it? Well there were treats still in the pocket and we all know our Nico will do anything for a morsel of food! And mate you'll be laughing on the other side of your face when I raid your piggy bank for cash to buy a new coat!