Thursday 18 February 2016

Would You Come In?

The youngsters and Mikey from the big group making the coal man feel a little short of welcome this morning. Asha and Tali giving the odd bark but generally more composed and standing by the door. Jezi and Nico were throwing themselves about in the middle room ... and Finlay? Well I guess it all probably passed him by! 
So would you come in? Could you? Well I never make people walk in through the big group like I use too, unless they are friends and I'm confident they are happy to do so. There's nothing funnier than seeing Loki throw Linda against the wall for Sammi to then jump all over her with muddy paws! Well for me anyway!!!
These days I put the dogs away or shut them in the top field when people visit, I let the people sit down and then bring the dogs in. I'm confident that my dogs will be fine with people who visit .. unless those people are idiots and do stupid things. I remember one person who should have known better whimpering in a youngsters face. I think it may have been Tali but I'm not too sure, and even as the pup reacted badly they continued and laughed. Total lack of knowledge and understanding which could have led to trouble!
I'm confident my dogs will be fine if the person is confident around them. But in these days of stupid laws I think it's best to be cautious and keep my kids safe! Did you know that the new legislation states that if a trespasser. ...burglar...rapist or what ever enters your back garden or yard intending to kill or rape you. ...and your dog attacks are liable. This has been brought in to protect the accidental trespasser like a small child that wanders in. Only defense is if they actually attack them inside the home itself. If any dog greets, say the postman and jumps up affectionately giving them a minor scratch, then the could be prosecuted. That could be a poodle a pug or any breed. And if they happen to slipped out and they knock any one over in excitement, guess what? ....we could all be prosecuted for that too.
It's all gone too far absolutely ludicrous in my opinion!!!