Friday 27 November 2015

A Treat For The Girls ...

If there's ever time for an extra walk I usually take the youngsters, their need is greater and it gives us more peace in the evening. But I do feel a tad of guilt at times, especially with Asha. She's just so easy that she often gets over looked. I also find taking Tali up the back very frustrating and know that if she gets to go somewhere else both she and I will enjoy the walk a lot more! The forecast suggested it would be dry this morning and rain this afternoon, so the plan was set in force. Walks this morning and hibernate this afternoon. It was a good plan, but sadly the weather man lied! Still I had set my heart on taking the girls to the river, so waterproofs on and we went. Yeah we had a lovely time and all (even Tali) were a pleasure to share a walk with. 
I got home to wind and rain, seriously it must have rained here every day for 3 weeks, and it's really starting to get me down! The dogs are wet and smelly, there's wet towels constantly waiting to be washed, the carpets are damp, thank god for the throws. Lets hope for some Winter Sunshine pretty soon eh!