Tuesday 11 October 2011

New And In Red

Finally I have my new lap top...and yes I opted for red! I've coped well with the old one with a broken screen, using a p.c monitor with it did the job.But this is just great, I love it.
Anyway, Little Emi has gone for a dental, I've been concerned about her for a few days and found it necessary to pin her down last night to see what was going on. She was not for telling and was equally not impressed to have liberties taken with her at her age! (She was born May 1996) Sharon has already told me she's had the procedure done and is just waking up. soon be home again Emi bach bach bach dew dew dew grwn grwn grwn! (don't ask!)
Mikey and Louis
I decided to take Mikey with me to weigh him ... wish I hadn't. At 35-36kg he always looked lean and we had to keep him on three meals a day just to keep the weight on him. Then just before he turned 3 years I discovered CSJ's Natural champ and Mikey soon started putting on weight. Supper was stopped and he looked great on 2 meals a day. What I didn't notice was that he was still putting weight on. Maybe it was a combination of food that suited him and maturity, anyway now to quote Aunty Linda, he's "fat!" (LOL) After weighing him today I have to agree, 40.7kg ... same as his dad, who's a damn site bigger dog! Though of course Steve is now walking around telling him he's 40kg of sheer muscle ... not a hope in hell his Mikey is fat, anyway Mikey Mikey is now on a diet!
Kiri passed her MOT with Gill Hubbard yesterday, she said that for her age she's doing really well, and we are both dead chuffed with our old girl. I also took Louis in to weigh him, he was a respectable 29.75kg, still underweight but for him it's pretty good. (though his stools are green again today ... ah well plod on)
Right off to get Emi now ....

Emi is home, she's had 2 teeth removed so now has a total of 5 left!!!