Sunday 3 October 2010

Ain't Nobody

When Me was Dead ittle
Look at me now..a handome ilttle basket!

HI...Well when me arrived here on de 4th of de Xmas month I was dead ittle and didn't remember me birffday day so me got a Dedicated Happy De birffday day.....and Guess what? It was the 4th of Octimober. So tomorrow is my Happy De birffday day. Me shall be a hole one! Me is not proud, me likes pressies, sweeties, cakes, loads of food and even doggie chewie chewie bonny sticky things. You can buy me de loads of stwff, me don't mind.
What you like to be knowin bout me? Well me is a handsome ittle basket, or Me ffink that what Mummy Rhi say to me! Me lives with 6 alidistations and a white fluffy thingamejig. 4 other cats and a nasty Tia be hatin her big style! me like me mountain and and me like going for addiventures with the alidistations...even de Tali thing likes me really. She has funny feet...I can be makin her move off de sofa by biting them with me new teeth...
Me is getting very board righting dis ffing now, going to see if I can catch a few moffs or someffing...BYE