Sunday 2 December 2012

Dear Sir ... if I can call you that!!!!

I'm not going to lower myself to your standards and make rude remarks on someone photo. To be honest, I don't give a flying fuck what you think but she may be hurt by your unnecessary comments; so I've deleted your post. On my page I have every right to do just that and on my blog I have every right to rant ... and rant I will!
I come across you occasionally in my life, and despite all I know I guess I quite like you. We have very strong differences of opinions, but I have admired you at your age for putting yourself in the position your in. Despite what you say you had choices, and you followed, as I see it, the hardest but most selfless route.
But still I find you infuriating at times, my advice to you would be to take a step back and leave me and my friends alone to love our "Wrinkled old junkie!" (By the way ... look in the mirror ... do it now and see what I see when I look at you!!!! PMSL)
I've seen "The Man" as close as I've seen you. I've seen the eyes beyond the glasses, the colour of his skin, the hair on the back of his hands. I've seen as much of him as I have of you, but studied him much more carefully. God knows I know which one I'd prefer to see on the pillow next to me in the morning ... and because I know your mentality, NO,  It's NOT you!
Now go and get your show dogs out of their kennels, take them for a walk, you know one foot in front of the other. Let them know the meaning of fun, let them get dirty and wet and then let them into your home and your heart!