Sunday 7 February 2010


I think, or at least I hope that I have a good sense of humor, but I don't have a sense of humor where he is concerned. I don't find it funny when you ridicule him, even if it's only to get at me. Sometimes I can laugh it off, but I always think your the one who's misguided. You who have nothing but your sick sad sense of humor and your bottle of wine. But sometimes I can't hide my feelings, sometimes I cry and sometimes it hurts to the pit of my stomach.
I'm not asking you to like him, to listen to him or even talk about him. I'm just asking you to respect what he means to me.Is that too much to ask of you? Please take note, your always the one who brings him up in conversation, not me.
What you don't understand is that he's there's for me, he's always there when I need him. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile, he brightens up my day and even makes me feel good about myself. When I'm feeling low, he's the one I call on, he gives me great comfort in my life. I never expected to be here now; I thought my life would be different. I worry, is it terribly inhuman of me to feel this way? But I guess no one knows the card that will be dealt to them in life, so I have to get on with it and be strong for the people I love. With him by my side I'll get there....