Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Past To Present And Future

 It's been such a long time since we've had so few dogs, I can't remember the last time we had less than 8, not since maybe 2012 or even 2007. We lost three dogs between March and December 2012 and little Riley at the beginning of 2013, and 4 dogs between June and December 2007. Now we've lost 3 dogs and 1 cat in less than 12 months, throw in the loss of my Dad, Steve's cancer and heart attack and it must be our hardest 12 months on record. A friend checking up on me last night said she wouldn't have coped, but you have to don't you, there is no choice, you cope or you go under. Trust me, there's been a few days when all I've wanted to do is stay in bed, but I doubt the other Blanik family members would approve and them needing me has been my lifeline. 
Ziva arrived home yesterday afternoon, the casket is lovely but at the moment I don't know where to put it. It's very odd for us as all the others are resting in the garden, well apart from Tali. I think Ziva and Tali should go to the garden sometime soon too .. they should all be together, shouldn't they? Hell I don't know.
I was worried that Zeus would respond to the sadness here over the last week. I was wondering if I'd get the blame again, but he's been fine, his normally silly self. That previous occasion must have been to do with the injury and the stress that maybe revolved around that whole situation. To be honest even when I've cried he's taken little notice, unlike his brother who tries to give me bear hugs when he sees I'm upset.  I've never had a dog who grabs and hugs with his front paws like Orin does before.
Talking of Orin, it's 3 weeks to Crufts and he's started chucking his coat ... Why do they always do it? He has looked so stunning in full bloom, now he looks like a plucked chicken. I guess it's a good thing he carries a profuse coat and doesn't look too bad after he's lost it. Siska is almost back in full coat, I guess she will at least look good for Crufts. I'm hoping she hangs onto her season till the following week, she and Orin are playing a lot, but he's not yet given me any indication that it's imminent. I'm still hopeful that plan A falls into place and that we can at least focus on the future ...