Monday, 20 February 2023

Let's Talk About Ross

What better way to brighten a day. Even the photo makes you smile doesn't it! It's going on for 6 weeks since Ross was neutered, and yes we have seen some small changes. Give or take the odd grumble of jealousy between Orin and Ross, they are doing well. Ross has always been a jealous chap, insistent that he get the attention, and that can sometimes cause tension, though we saw role reversal today as Ian played with Ross and O got jealous. 
Ross hasn't left a single meal since he was neutered, and he has put on just that kg or two that he needed. Because of his elbow I don't want him any heavier, to be honest he now looks amazing! 
If someone asked my advice now about neutering a male dog, I'd still say the same, if it ain't broke ...  I would never neuter a nervous dog, working in rescue showed me first hand the damage that it can cause. Removing the testosterone of a nervous dog simply makes things worse, removing Ross' testosterone has made him sillier if that were possible. It has made him more juvenile in his behaviour, but it has made him less of a threat to Orin's leadership, and that was what I was hoping to achieve. I'm hoping as things settle further that these two boys can live happily together, each knowing, understanding and happy with their place in the pack.