Saturday, 25 February 2023

Man On The Loose

Finally, Steve was getting to meet up with his sister today. Due to ill health on both sides of the family, he hadn't seen her since last Summer. Though Jan felt guilty for not visiting, with their coughs and colds staying away was the right call. I must admit that I feel differently about his son who hasn't made the effort to visit once from the beginning of the cancer treatment or during his recovery or his recovery from the heart attack. Seriously, what son doesn't visit his father during such serious health issues? (and yes Steve is feeling it) 
This morning there was no time to go walking, just time to go to the fields. I was more than peed off to find the sheep had knocked the wall down in the bottom corner of the bottom field. I managed to do a botch job with a fence panel and some wire before calling Steve down to check on it. Thankfully, he was pleased with my effort! 
During the week I'd got a new line to attach to Zeus' ball, but when I went to get hold of it to bring him back the bloody thing fell apart. How pathetic was that? Anyway we now had a loose Zeus in the field and no time to waste trying to catch him. I did try pretending we were going in the van, but he didn't fall for it, there was only one option  ... I went to get his mother!