Friday 31 May 2024

Vet, Siska Bloods And Librela

Loki was booked in this morning for his injection. It was 4 and a half weeks since the last one, and he did struggle to get into the van today. I wonder if that was down to needing the Librela boost or the fact he followed Beti everywhere yesterday. It's a week since her season was over, but till today, he still didn't get it!
We didn't know the vet we saw today, a rather inexperienced young man, but we all start somewhere and just for the injection, well no worries. I think he was rather intimidated by Loki's glares, but as I told him, Beth gives him biscuits and Loki expects to be given treats in that room! LOL 
The vet struggled a little more with Siska, he had to shave her leg to get bloods, and even then failed and went to try her neck. I felt sorry for him, but with the assistance of the vet nurse he got there. Hopefully in no time he'll be as efficient as Jamie who took the bloody on Tuesday, first time and without shaving her leg. The results today was only 5.1 nmol/L, but I'm well aware that last time she went up from 6.6 to 23 in 48 hrs - I think we'll go to visit Lucca on Sunday morning and make further plans from there.