Wednesday 15 May 2024

Going Further

Siska's gone through the gate - just like her mother!
Talysarn lake in the valley 
Linda and I explored further on the walk from Clogwyn Melyn today. I think this cottage is where my friend Sandra lived many moons ago .. but I'm not sure so I'll ask. 
Going against everything I've ever preached about I've bought two Jenny Wren retractable leads for exploring with Orin and Siska, honestly I never expected it to go so well, they were so good on them. This has given me further free access to explore, we were walking safely through open spaces with free grazing sheep and ponies today. Obviously, there were places where we could let them off, but with these leads we could carry on and thy could still have freedom. I guess there is a place for different tools of the trade, though of course I'd never use these leads near a road. 
A comment that will remain in my thoughts regarding today ... what goes downhill has to come back up to get back! lol