Monday 13 May 2024


Beti came in season last Monday, (6th of May) bless her she couldn’t have timed it much better as we now have no shows till the end of the month. So after a bath .. we’ll still hopefully be able to get her to Bath! Orin is still taking a lot of interest in Siska and her wee, I’m checking her everyday as Beti being in season may bring her in earlier or just confuse Orin! 
Siska always seems to take her time in the build up to it .. but with Beti hormones flying, who knows! Lucca goes on his holiday next Sunday, he is away for a week .. so as long as she hangs on a few days then we will be OK. As Lucca is a maiden dog, if we have no success with the mating within 36 hrs of ovulation, then we will be off to visit George. He is a proven sire and happy to help if need be!!!