Thursday 16 May 2024

I Shouldn't Laugh

 .. and honestly I didn't at the time, but now I can't get the vision of Ross on his back with his legs in the air out of my mind. He looked just like a sheep who couldn't get up! I'd always thought that one day he'd break me, he just doesn't look where he's going, but today he got himself into trouble. He was running full pelt with Sammi and Beti and as they jumped the mound he missed it, he was going so fast that he went head over tails once then another half and ended up on his back on the floor. By the time he managed to get his slightly rotund self back up the girls were well gone, and of course then he had the dilemma of trying to catch up or find the kong that he'd lost in his tumble, no surprises, the kong took priority!  Of course my heart was in my mouth at the time, and I won't be surprised if he's a little stiff tomorrow, but the image in my head .. well it makes me chuckle!!!