Friday 17 May 2024

Pen Hafodlas

So yes, this was Sandra and Pete's cottage. She said we were all there for a party in May 2002, though Steve has no memory of being there. I wonder if he was working? Sandra said she had been back to visit during lockdown and was gutted to see it had been left like this. She said she and Pete had worked so hard on it. Pete died in February last year and Sandra lives in Groeslon, They were already in Groeslon by 2012 as I took Nico to hers for some fun training. Sandra says her heart has remained in this cottage though sadly she knows she can never go back .
I understand what it's like to love your home. This little cottage on the hill is so precious to me too. So much fun and laughter here over the years, every litter of Blanik puppies born here and every dog I've ever owned has spent part or all of their lives here, so much love and of course so much sadness and loss within these walls. Where else could I now live? I just can't imagine being anywhere else!