Friday 17 May 2024


I'm just over the moon that after a hard slap my Samsung galaxy camera is working again. The photos I last took on it were of Orin, about 10 weeks old. After that the lens froze, and thought I've tried to get it to work, till last night it never did. On full zoom there is a slight dirt line in the top of the picture, but nothing like I remember. Sadly I must have binned the white one years ago, so I don't seem to have a spare battery .. Never mind if it continues to work I'll try and get one. It takes amazing photos, OK, no better than my phone close up, but with 21x zoom well, as you'll see in a bit .. nothing can hide from me now! 
The photos below are taken from a distance and really wouldn't be much good with the phone, I simply would not have got close enough. 

OMG - I LOVE this one