Tuesday 21 May 2024

Breaking The Rules

Orin and Zeus haven't eaten the last three mornings, but they are both eating in the evening. Eat it or lose it remains the moto .. but this morning Loki hasn't eaten either now that's where rules have to be changed. Loki's cocktail of drugs are in his breakfast, but even with cat food added this morning is a no-go! All I can do is try again later I guess! 
Beti is on day 15 or possibly 16 and the boys have been hyper since Friday afternoon, which was about day 12. I'd say she definitely ovulated on the first half of the weekend, so after today things should start to get quieter, and be over by the weekend in time for Siska to start giving off wonderful smells! My poor boys!
Beti has been so randy, I've seldom experienced a bitch so willing to be mated before, poor Ross!