Tuesday 28 May 2024

Just Saying ..

"Walter Martin was and still is considered by many to be one of the greatest breeders in the breed's history. He bred many dogs, some very good and some not so good.  Walter considered this dog, Zamb von der Wienerau, to be the closest male he had bred relative to the breed standard, and the dog he hoped would be the breed's future cornerstone and role model. Time does not stand still, but the German Shepherd Dog Breed standard has remained the same, other than for minor tweaks." 
I remember Zamp winning his title in 1992 and 1994. It was early days for me in the breed but there was such a buzz about him. At the time you were team Zamp or team Jeck (his half brother) ... Jeck had the same balanced angulation, but from memory he was shorter coupled and had the rounder/harder overline which for a time in the nineties became very fashionable. Though we still see it, I guess now we would consider that as extreme. 
Anyway, I was asked "Are you happy with your current breeding line?" Well yeah. I'm happy to still be team Zamp, I'm happy that as close as we can be, my dogs fit the "blueprint" of the breed. (Above) There is no perfection, that is impossible to get, but the simple comment put on by Fransisco owner on this photo of Beti really made me proud ... "A bitch for all." That is exactly what I want .. a balanced bitch that doesn't look out of place in any form of show competition.

Yeah I'm very proud of Orin's daughter, I'm very proud that generations of Blanik bitches has bought us here, not far from the "Blueprint"  .. thank you Orin and Zoe!