Saturday 11 May 2024

My Thoughts

So having read that article, we all agree that the strength of my stud dog comes from his mother? Sammi says "but of course!" I guess we've always known that to succeed we need a very strong female line, and we try and find a male bred on the same criteria, mated to quality bred bitches then quality progeny will be produced. But I have to admit I've concentrated more on the line of the stud dogs sire, to see what he has pruduced than that of the mother! 
Not all the females who have been to Orin have been showstoppers, but they have all been well-bred and there was no reason why they would not produce quality progeny. I do feel Orin has "improved" on some of the bitches in the progeny, but it's more likely that his bloodlines combined with her hers has produced the quality, it's not just down to him and his breeding. To date, in my opinion, Orin has produced better female pups than males, so does that mean he is a "dominant sire?" Maybe early days, but lets hope he's given the opportunity to prove his worth to the breed.  
So now as I consider and reconsider my breeding plans I will look far more at the mother line of my chosen stud dogs. Of course his sire and bloodlines are important to me but taking on board the information in this article, then it's best I concentrate on the combination of Siska and Zinderella (Lucca's mother) and then look at Grizzly, not as an after thought, but not as the priority. Being a Zitan daughter, Zinderella is very well bred ... but now I will study her mother line far more too. With Siska's seasonal timeline being unpredictable then hopefully I have time to look and study further. Being honest, and not mentioning names, there are other stud dogs that I've dismissed because I don't like a parent. Maybe I was wrong to dismiss the one with a plain looking sire and glamorous mother then? But to date he has not produced anything I like. There is no doubt we see grandparents in our youngsters, only last week the owner of Kaios messaged to say that Beti is so typical of her grandfather ... but I also see her mother and Orin in her and Abbie ... and Polly, well it's Nico again, or maybe now we should think that it's Kiara his mothers stamp coming through? 
When chosing a stud dog or buying a puppy I've always said look further than the animal it's self, look at the parents and beyond, look at the pedigree, do your bloody homework and then you'll have more idea what you're going to get. More often than not the pups don't really resemble the parents, though the female generations of Ziva, Sammi, Kaiah and Siska were pretty obviously related, as were Nikki, Seffe, Krizzie and Tali. Asha was different, and seem to take after Kai's mother Ginger, but mating her to Robbi did bring back a darker tan and saddle. So for me for going forward conformation that keeping my bitchline stong is paramount, but intoducing stud dogs who have also come through from strong bitchline breeding. The strength of the sire is the power of the dam.