Saturday 18 May 2024

There's Siska News

It's day 1, she's gone 6.5 months since her last season, the shortest gap ever, but today there is blood. Now I'm excited. Lucca has gone off on his holidays today, but will be back next weekend. I doubt Siska will be ready till the last week of the month. Pretty good timing, eh! I said I wanted to get Beti to all her puppy classes, and now I will. 
On day 11 of her last season, well when we tried to mate her, Siska was on 6.6, on day 13 she was on 23.0 and when tested at the fertility clinic in Nantwich on the evening of day 15 she was on 50. So last time Siska ovulated on day 12. Unless Orin tells me differently, I'll do the test on day 11 again this time, if everything is the same then I think Siska and Lucca should spend some time together on day 12 .. and take it from there! 
I really need this to work this time I really need to continue my bitch-line through Siska, for me it's paramount not to lose Kaiah from this line.  If we don't get a mating within 36 - 48 hrs of ovulation then I'll be heading down south to use George. Lucca is my preferred stud for Siska but George is also a cracking chap, so if needs must then so be it!