Thursday 10 October 2024

Meerah At Club

Firstly, I'll address last night moan ... I went to club, three dogs were in the class and I sat with Meerah on her vet bed on the table. Yes, it was a nice evening in the company of nice people and I came home in a better frame of mind then when I set off .... but I still feel that some people show a lack of commitment which is a bloody shame, but what can we do? We can't force people to come, we all have lives and a right to live them as we do. I've been a member of this club since 1988 and the last thing I need is to see the Ring Craft section fold ... so plod on. 
Meerah was fab, no panic, no nervousness and no silly over excitement which often stems from nervousness anyway. She sat on the table watching it all "happening." She had a go at standing and had the dogs circle round her as she sat on the table. So far, so good.