Saturday 12 October 2024

Girls Problems

My beautiful Beti is still bald, but now her coat is soft and fresh and she'll soon be looking fantastic again. I started her on salmon oil when she started to moult, I'll keep her on it till she's back in coat. I can't wait to see her in full bloom in her first adult coat. Loki is still paying her some unwanted attentions, there is no obvious sign of a season yet, but she's about 3 weeks short of her due day, so I guess he knows it's imminent. Siska came in season about 10 days after Beti, early for her, following her litter I've no idea what she'll do now but her coat is coming out by the bucket full.
I'd been washing Meerah's vulva every couple of hours or so yesterday and found the discharge to be quite profuse. She also kept peeing very often, very small quantities, but then remained squatting as if she expected more. She has not seemed ill at all, but obviously uncomfortable at times. The other dogs were also sniffing around her a lot. This morning I was gobsmacked to find her vulva and knickers (the coat around her back-end) clear of the sticky discharge that she'd had yesterday, but was disappointed to see very yellow urine staining on the puppy pads, I could only think it was a UTI. As Meerah is not ill I decided to try a natural remedy first. I remember so well taking a puppy Tali to the vets with a UTI ... The vet said at the time that she was far too young to mess about with antibiotics and for me to get some pearly barley and boil it up, giving her the liquid to drink. I did have some in the house, but it had been here a long time, so I went to get some fresh this morning. I'll give it a go over the weekend and see how it goes.