Saturday 5 October 2024

I Have A Question

 ..a big fucking question. (Yes that line from a George song again!) When I'm walking four dogs off the lead on the mountain and I see someone coming towards me, I either put them on a lead and move to the side, or preferably when possible, turn off in another direction. Usually, if a dog walker sees me first, they do the same for me, and that's easier as I have four leads to get out of my bag, and four dogs to put on the dogs. So this is the question, why do people who are running not give a flying feck and just carry on regardless? Why will they not give me a minute to get myself together? Surely the safety of their dog, my dogs and both owners is more important than maybe matching or beating the previous days time? I can't get four leads out of my bag and put 4 dogs on a lead in 10 seconds, it simply can't be done! Anyway, I got hold of three collars and told Loki to wait, it was fine ... but it may not have been!