Saturday 5 October 2024

I Have A Question

 ..a big fucking question. (Yes that line from a George song again!) When I'm walking four dogs off the lead on the mountain and I see someone coming towards me, I either put them on a lead and move to the side, or preferably when possible, turn off in another direction. Usually, if a dog walker sees me first, they do the same for me, and that's easier as I have four leads to get out of my bag, and four dogs to put on the dogs. So this is the question, why do people who are running not give a flying feck and just carry on regardless? Why will they not give me a minute to get myself together? Surely the safety of their dog, my dogs and both owners is more important than maybe matching or beating the previous days time? I can't get four leads out of my bag and put 4 dogs on a lead in 10 seconds, it simply can't be done! Anyway, I got hold of three collars and told Loki to wait, it was fine ... but it may not have been! 

Meerah On The Mountain

A lovely first experience for Meerah on the mountain, Uncle Ross came for a bit of back up, and she got very excited to see Ian up there. Though the strong breeze was off-putting for me, maybe it kept people away? When we got back, I had to stand her in an old washing up bowl full of water to get the mud off her legs and belly.... she didn't mind! 

Everyone On The Mountain.

Damn the wind up here today, without it, it would be a perfect day.
A fantastic recall from Beti. I must admit I was shocked to see her set off after a motorbike, but over the moon at the recall! Ross was supposed to be on the bridge for the photo too, but he dropped his kong, and that's a crisis in Ross world! 
Siska and Orin
Ross on babysitting duties for Meerah's first look at the mountain.

Friday 4 October 2024

Happy Birthday

Now there are cats, there are special cats and there is Jamie, in a class of his own. I bought this boy home from work on DEC 4th 2009. He was approximately 8 weeks old and I gave him the birthday of October the 4th. He truly is the most wonderful cat. 

Thursday 3 October 2024

Sables At Blanik

I'd always had black and tan German Shepherds, with a preference for a standard coated black and rich tan dog. My interest in sables began with Ch Idol vom haus am Lerchenweg, I was looking for a dog to mate to Asha in 2011 and he really interested me. I had knowledge that sable improves pigment/colour in black and tan, and Asha was a poor colour. Anyway, with Idol in Suffolk, at that time it was just not feasible. Luckily for me I found Tirgram Robbi in Nantwich and through his pedigree bring back in a better tan and a solid saddle. 
When I bought Ross in 2017 I was over the moon that he was an Idol grandson and I had high hopes that Ross would be the sire of future Blanik generations, but sadly it was not to be. I looked into mating Sammi to a sable, but I was told the dogs character out of the show scene was not great, so I backed out and ended up with the Merlot litter. (This photo is of a baby Ross) 
In 2019, I made it to Suffolk to try again, mating Kaiah to the Idol grandson, a LSH sable, Zalu, but again major disappointment as Kaiah missed. I had an image in my head of the puppy I would have had from that litter, I was going to call her Vixen ... and yeah she looked just like Meerah! So finally we got there, finally there is a sable female at Blanik. I didn't do the mating just for colour, after all it is of secondary importance, I was just lucky that the dog I felt that was right for Siska was a sable. I have already been asked if I will repeat that mating, and last night, in confidence, I was asked what my plans are for Beti .... well that's a while away! 


My beautiful boy 

Great Time Walking

When I got back I tried Zeus out with Meerah, sadly he was just OTT and he unnerved her. I'll try again when she's a little older.


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Tuesday 1 October 2024

First Night And Day

Yesterday evening Meerah was very lost, I guess we don't consider there are huge changes for her as her siblings have left. The puppy pen, her place of safety for the first few weeks of life has gone and been replaced by a table and chairs, and her partners in crime have left. When I took her out to the garden yesterday afternoon she ran out full of enthusiasm, but then turned round and looked back, but of course there was no one following her. Seren (Opal) followed her about a lot, I'm sure she did initially miss them. (but maybe not as much as I miss them) 
I had a rough night, but none of it was down to Meerah, she slept from 11pm till 8am, silent and clean. This morning we had to do our weekly shop, so a quick visit to Mums, Steve and Meerah got to go in, but I stayed outside as I have the sore throat and cold that Jan Thomas forgot to take back home with her last week. We put the small crate in the car, though Meerah had been silent on trips out with her siblings in the van, she screamed all the way to Aldi. It reminded me of bringing Ross home from Suffolk, he was lucky he wasn't dropped off on the A5 ... and as we know he hasn't shut up since. (But he's such a star!) Beti came home from Monmouthshire in reasonable silence. Anyway I did my shopping on my own whilst Steve sat with the boot up letting her see the world go by. I love socialising puppies, I love seeing them explore the world, I'm really looking forward to all our adventures. 
Now Zeus may be a prat, a bloody pain in the arse at times, but give the devil his due he's fab with puppies!!!