Monday 24 June 2024


Heartbreaking news today that young Bytri has died of a torsion. Byrti, still a puppy, had stayed with his mum and breeder, who are absolutely devastated at the loss. I really have no words that would be of any help to Martin and Claire, other than to try and reassure a heartbroken Martin today that it was not their fault.
So, torsion is a twisted stomach/gut and is an emergency situation. The quicker you get to the vets, the more chance there is of survival, but the chances are still pretty low. I was so blessed that Blade survived, twice, but Storm did not and neither did Rocky, Marco or Dylan who all belonged to friends. 
Please, if you own any large breed or cross-breed dog be aware of torsion and bloat ... Bloat is where the stomach fills with air, torsion is when it twists. Bloat is not torsion, but bloat can lead to torsion with devastating consequences.