Sunday 16 June 2024

A Bit Of A Phantom

 Since her season Beti has been more cuddly than usual, and also a little calmer and chilled. I'm making the most of it, I know it won't last!!! 
Three weeks after mating a bitch will have some minor changes, but as I know from experience these changes are not to be relied upon to confirm pregnancy, after every season the bitch experiences hormonal changes. Well yesterday Beti was sat on the sofa letting it all hang out, so to speak, and I spotted her undercarriage. Well had she been Siska I would have been excited!  Her nipples are bright red and pointing, and she has some mammary thickness ... add that to the behaviour and you'd think she was pregnant, which obviously she's not! 
I fell for this last time I mated Siska, but by 5 weeks these changes had gone, so this time I'm not looking too early, and this only goes to confirm that it happens in some bitches anyway!