Wednesday 12 June 2024

Testicle Talk

I hadn't been sure about writing this post, but if I don't and later need to remember details then I'll have no point of reference, seriously without making notes, there is no way I can be relied upon to remember! Also if I need to find it and do a "blog search" then I need a keyword ... hence the title.
As I was preparing Orin for the ring on Friday and brushing his "knickers" I noticed sores on his testicles, not just one, several. He was obviously sensitive about them, but hell I was in Malvern, what could I do? They were obviously sore so I decided rather than make a big deal of it, I left things alone and decided to deal with it as soon as I got home on Saturday. 
As soon as I got home I first bathed them in mild hibscrub then put Sudocrem on them. They were obviously sore and he was really not happy. On Sunday morning I did the same and again Sunday night, hmm he stood still, they must have been less sore! I've continued now to smother them twice a day in the cream, I think the bugger is enjoying it, I've warned him he better not be! LOL They do look better and I hope our home remedy will work, but if it doesn't clear, then of course we'll be off to the vet!
I have no idea what has caused the sores, there is nothing anywhere else and he'd not been licking or scratching or biting at them! I've asked a couple of experienced friends, no one has any ideas or has experienced similar! Very odd (Balls)!