Saturday 15 June 2024

No Show Today

No show for us today, I was suspicious of kennel cough earlier in the week, especially as I read others from last weekend's show had had it. Anyway, even though I remembered Jill Hubbard telling me that a pregnant Krizzie was not in any danger when she had it, I did contact the vet. I was told to keep an eye on Siska, but give her no medication should she get it. To be honest I never do, give or take herbal remedies ... kennel cough really isn't a problem unless you have very young, very old, or a male who thinks he's got man flu!!!
Anyway, even though the judge today was a friend of all the local GSD exhibitors, I gather I'd been singled out for the gossip which doubted her integrity and put me in an awkward position. The judge in my opinion is as honest as the day is long .. but there you go, there's always some idiot who wants to stir the pot .. sad really as I thought better of the spoon laden lady!