Saturday 22 June 2024

Orin - My Boy

I wonder what he's thinking? I wonder what he's looking at? I wonder what he hears? I wonder what he smells? Living in the moment with no hang-ups, no history and no worries about the future. He's only ever known love and plenty, and I will do everything in my power to assure that he, and his family, are always blessed with the best I can give them. 
Tomorrow is a show day; I hope he wins, but I'm not stupid, I see the show dog as a separate entity to the pet. The pet is perfect, the pet holds my heart, gaiting free on the mountain he takes my breath away; but the show dog, as beautiful as he is, is sometimes beaten by better! I know the constructional faults, I would not be an honest breeder/owner if I did not see the imperfections of my show dog, but those imperfections are totally irrelevant in everyday life. I try to keep the show dog for the shows and I love the perfect pet I have at home. 
As I read of another "failed" show puppy rehomed without giving them time, I consider that not all puppies hit the ground winning do they, sometimes they need work! I have realised years ago that to make it to the top you need to be ruthless, you need to consider these dogs as stock, you need the determination to win at all counts, you need to bring the show dog home. No, that is not for me, my show dogs are my friends, my family, and I don't think I could live with my conscience if I lived it any other way.