Sunday 30 June 2024

Pinchmill Adira Of Blanik

Beti has now finished her puppy classes. I'm so proud of all she has achieved under breed specialist and all-rounders alike, it's been a wonderful ride. Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and support - her breeder, friends, family, judges and of course handlers. Currently, we have nothing on our show calendar ... #blanikgsds

Saturday 29 June 2024

An Eye Thing

I just can't believe that this has been posted by one of the breed's esteemed guardians no less than 24 hrs after Winsor show. I came home from the show to tell Steve that Orin was placed fourth because of his light eyes, fact, the judge told us so. Steve ranted that his eyes could never deter the dog from doing a days work, and that he thought this was not a good enough reason for his placing. Ok I get it, but with dogs of equal or similar merits then sometimes little things separate the first from the third .. so to speak! 
" The SV breed standard states the eyes of the GSD should be as dark as possible. 
Ever wondered why Captain von Stephanitz (and most humans) preferred dark-coloured eyes to light-coloured eyes even though his role model, the grey wolf, has light eyes—as do most species of predators—and whether the severe negative weighting that many specialist judges apply to light-coloured eyes is justified? i.e. in the GSD specialist show arena, other than light eye colour, the absolute best dog in a class of 50 V-rated dogs with the eye colour seen here would be relegated to the middle of the class under many judges maybe even further behind. That is a 'very heavy penalization' for a dog whose primary reason for being is a working, herding, guarding, trotting dog. The answer needs to be other than 'light eyes spoil the dogs expression'. That is true, of course, but the point of my post is 'why is that our perception.' (Perception: a belief based on how things appear to the observer.)
A teaser - In the eyes of a shepherd, where does eye colour rank relative to function I wonder? 
I have always wondered why sir Stephanitz preferred dark eyes over lighter pigments, while some of the foundation animals did not have their eyes as dark as we see in GSDs today. How can there be a link between the dark eyes and the canine's endurance and ability to herd and trot in all terrains?
Light eye is not my preference either, but the point is that it is still within breed standard guidelines and should not be penalised heavily. A lot of anatomically correct dogs were relegated because of light eyes. But we sit with a far bigger problem today, over angulation and hocks. If judges only were as strict on this as they were on eyes as unlike unsoundness eyes have no detrimental effect on the working dog."

So my question is .. do I show this to Steve? LOL 

Friday 28 June 2024

At Home

I came home hoping I'd see something in Siska to give me a hope
 - as yet nothing!

Remember Nova?

Orin and Luna's daughter - in Windsor! 
First time being stood, out of coat ... not bad at all eh! 
A lovely girl with a super character.

Staying Over At Windsor

Our Chalet 
Early Morning View 
A walk before the show. 
Though we have travelled to Windsor show in one day before, the invite by Anne-Marie to stay over was really appreciated. We were 20 mins from the show ground and in a wonderful rural setting. I had a small chalet for me and the dogs with beautiful views of the garden and house. The birds, OMG, I've never seen or heard so many birds in my life. I appreciate the wild parakeets are not popular, but I was fascinated. 
The property has acers and acers of land with paths cut through tall grasses and wild flowers .. it was just wonderful ... if the judge is suitable, I've booked my room for next year! lol 

In The Ring At Windsor

A super day at Windsor, Orin making a credible 4th in limit and Beti 2nd in her last puppy bitch class. It was a warm day, not as hot as Wednesday, thank god. I have to say .. Beti looked fab in the ring with Amie. Yeah I'm well chuffed with how well they both worked together. We are missing Sarah dreadfully, and so pleased that she finally got home from hospital yesterday.

Monday 24 June 2024

Some Blackpool Photos

Look at that face 💖


Heartbreaking news today that young Bytri has died of a torsion. Byrti, still a puppy, had stayed with his mum and breeder, who are absolutely devastated at the loss. I really have no words that would be of any help to Martin and Claire, other than to try and reassure a heartbroken Martin today that it was not their fault.
So, torsion is a twisted stomach/gut and is an emergency situation. The quicker you get to the vets, the more chance there is of survival, but the chances are still pretty low. I was so blessed that Blade survived, twice, but Storm did not and neither did Rocky, Marco or Dylan who all belonged to friends. 
Please, if you own any large breed or cross-breed dog be aware of torsion and bloat ... Bloat is where the stomach fills with air, torsion is when it twists. Bloat is not torsion, but bloat can lead to torsion with devastating consequences. 

Grass, Balls and No Signs

The last photos of the uncut field before Ryan and his tractor arrived! I didn't make it to July as I'd hoped, the sneezing got the better of me, actually I only made it a week further than last year!  To be honest, we usually cut the bottom field at the end of June, though the top field is never cut and some years the bottom one doesn't get cut at all either! (just look at that rolling cloud/mist over the mountains today.) 
I was chatting with Jane yesterday at the show about Orin's bits .. she wondered if the long grass has scratched them, till I showed her the photo and then she realised how severe it was, as she said that was not caused by grass or buttercups. I really have never seen anything like it, and Steve is so careful of what plants he has in the garden. As Orin, and all my males run free in these fields through all the season, year in year out I can only think we've come to contact with a poisonous/stinging plant (or maybe something worse)  on one of our travels. Anyway, there is a dramatic improvement to his crown jewels now, just a couple of small scabs remain and some pink pigment.  
It's now three weeks since Siska was mated - there are no signs of pregnancy - but I try and comfort myself with the knowledge that it is early days, let's hope for some much-needed good news over the next two weeks. As I do in situations of stress I'm turning to comfort eating ... so I jumped on the scales this morning ...  Thankfully no weigh gain, but of course no loss. 


Not our most successful day in the ring at Blackpool, but I guess the Sieger will take some beating! Still a lovely day with great friends, thanks to all for making it what it was.
The confusion of the judging will always remain in my head .. Should Beti have been 1st or 5th? I guess you had to be there to see it. Beti was in a class of 8 ... 5 were shortlisted and as he moved them round she was in first place. He took them round about 3 - 4 times and then stopped them, by then Beti had caught up with the last bitch .. the judge said "as they stand," so had he realised that the bitch who he previously had at the front was now at the back? So yeah the question of the day was "Should Beti have been 1st or 5th?" I don't know, and never will. 
In Orin's class he had him running in 2nd place, then moved him down behind a male who on the day was a tad sluggish and heavy, but then said Orin was a "Beautiful moving male." Yeah didn't get it!  
To be told last night by two people in know that this experienced and knowledgable dog man now has early dementia has saddened me, but it has also left me questioning what happened further, especially with Beti! 

Saturday 22 June 2024

Orin - My Boy

I wonder what he's thinking? I wonder what he's looking at? I wonder what he hears? I wonder what he smells? Living in the moment with no hang-ups, no history and no worries about the future. He's only ever known love and plenty, and I will do everything in my power to assure that he, and his family, are always blessed with the best I can give them. 
Tomorrow is a show day; I hope he wins, but I'm not stupid, I see the show dog as a separate entity to the pet. The pet is perfect, the pet holds my heart, gaiting free on the mountain he takes my breath away; but the show dog, as beautiful as he is, is sometimes beaten by better! I know the constructional faults, I would not be an honest breeder/owner if I did not see the imperfections of my show dog, but those imperfections are totally irrelevant in everyday life. I try to keep the show dog for the shows and I love the perfect pet I have at home. 
As I read of another "failed" show puppy rehomed without giving them time, I consider that not all puppies hit the ground winning do they, sometimes they need work! I have realised years ago that to make it to the top you need to be ruthless, you need to consider these dogs as stock, you need the determination to win at all counts, you need to bring the show dog home. No, that is not for me, my show dogs are my friends, my family, and I don't think I could live with my conscience if I lived it any other way.   

Friday 21 June 2024

Professional Photos

These are the photos of Beti taken by the photographers (3 of them) at the Sieger - Some are better than others, or maybe I should say, I prefer some to the others, you are free to make your own choices!!!

Thursday 20 June 2024

Wednesday 19 June 2024

It Got Warm

Happy walk with super baby Beti recalls. 
OMG, my mother will get the hairbrush out if she sees this! 
Somewhere else we've never been!
This morning hairy was pushing buttons and when I caught him I ended up putting him back in house and telling him he could forget his bloody walk!
This afternoon I mellowed and took him out, I kind of regretted my choice of path as my vision plays tricks on me going downhill. Where is the step? How steep is it? These are things that I can no longer be certain of! Ah well, a gold star for Zeus for his impeccable behaviour as a family of Labradors dragged their owners kicking and screaming towards him, of course off the lead he would have joined the mayhem! 

Monday 17 June 2024

Oh Balls!

Orin's crown jewels finally look better, but the vet suggests I continue with the cream. She can only think that he's had an allergic reaction to something that he came into contact with, my poor boy, not that he ever seemed to care! I must admit I've never seen anything like it but I won't embarrass him by sharing the photo, though I do worry how I'll find it if I need to refer to it in future!!! 

Morning Walks

Sunday 16 June 2024

A Bit Of A Phantom

 Since her season Beti has been more cuddly than usual, and also a little calmer and chilled. I'm making the most of it, I know it won't last!!! 
Three weeks after mating a bitch will have some minor changes, but as I know from experience these changes are not to be relied upon to confirm pregnancy, after every season the bitch experiences hormonal changes. Well yesterday Beti was sat on the sofa letting it all hang out, so to speak, and I spotted her undercarriage. Well had she been Siska I would have been excited!  Her nipples are bright red and pointing, and she has some mammary thickness ... add that to the behaviour and you'd think she was pregnant, which obviously she's not! 
I fell for this last time I mated Siska, but by 5 weeks these changes had gone, so this time I'm not looking too early, and this only goes to confirm that it happens in some bitches anyway! 

Saturday 15 June 2024

No Show Today

No show for us today, I was suspicious of kennel cough earlier in the week, especially as I read others from last weekend's show had had it. Anyway, even though I remembered Jill Hubbard telling me that a pregnant Krizzie was not in any danger when she had it, I did contact the vet. I was told to keep an eye on Siska, but give her no medication should she get it. To be honest I never do, give or take herbal remedies ... kennel cough really isn't a problem unless you have very young, very old, or a male who thinks he's got man flu!!!
Anyway, even though the judge today was a friend of all the local GSD exhibitors, I gather I'd been singled out for the gossip which doubted her integrity and put me in an awkward position. The judge in my opinion is as honest as the day is long .. but there you go, there's always some idiot who wants to stir the pot .. sad really as I thought better of the spoon laden lady!

Fading Puppy

A really important piece of information that I don't want to lose!

Wednesday 12 June 2024

No Mow May - Or June Here!!!!

"No Mow May is a national campaign to encourage people not to mow their lawns until the end of May in order to boost the flowers, and nectar, available to pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and moths. It also allows spring flowers to set seed and plants to establish themselves in advance of the summer."
Well now the fields and the "boncan" is really overgrown, but my god it is beautiful. It's alive with flowers and insects and to give nature the best chance we've decided to leave it till next month, after all we can use it as it is and we enjoy it even more like this, even if it does make me sneeze!!! To be honest though, we've had to use the grass cutting cash now to buy logs, never had to do that in Summer before.