Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Worms and Things

Bloody Isla has got tapeworm again. It's only been three months since I wormed the whole lot and now I'll have to do it again. Thank god for Animed Direct, it cuts the cost quite a lot. I'd never worm them with the over the counter crap but I still hate giving them these chemicals. (Panacur for the dogs - drontal for the cats) I guess with the murdering these cats do I have no choice as they are continually re infested.  I'm not sure what to do about doing Kaiah now, I may wait a couple of weeks for safety sake.
A friend has a bitch who has pancreatic problem and needs a pancreatic enzyme med that she has been on for the past 5 years. But now because of Brexit they can no longer get it.  Apparently according to her vet they are stopping alot of drugs for animals, they and making it harder for the UK to get them! The bitch has been tried on several other medications, but none have worked, without it she will probably die! Ah well just one dog .. as long as they get Brexit through then the UK will be happy .. yeah just another dog, another casualty of Brexit, unless it's yours, your family's or your friends. Heartbreaking.
Whilst I'm on the subject something else was brought to my attention. Now you may not think the EU have strict enough regulations on animal welfare, especially were animals for the food chain are concerned, but they do have them! We like to think that all animals are treated with dignity. Well think of this, when we leave the EU and Britain starts buying from other countries who have no animal welfare acts at all .. think hard about what you are eating, where it has come from and how it has been treated when it was alive and dead? I think I may become Vegan!
Oh what have they done?  .... Now vote for the bumbling idiot or the terrorist  ... Good luck UK.