Tuesday 15 October 2019

Don't Tell Loki, But ..

It was bliss in the living room without him last night. Everyone mooching and messing with the door open till about 7.30pm then everyone settled and relaxed for the rest of the evening. Loki is just so grumpy in the evening, he's constantly tense and growls every time Ross so much as moves. Ross never use to bother but now I think he's getting a bit worried  about it all. Maybe for everyone's benefit Loki is better off in the middle room in the evening? I don't want to split him from the others but he makes most evenings a nightmare for us all. It would mean Nico would have to go into the crate for a while in the evening, which is a shame but maybe I could consider splitting the evening in two eh?
The only one little bit of unrest last night was Ross wanting to get onto the sofa and Sammi was already there. He tried and tried but the lady was not for moving!  It's a shame this sofa is just not quite big enough for me and 2 GSD's. I do love cuddling with Ross, he rests his head on me for hours .. I only ever get Sammi's bottom as she always faces the other way. Still there are 4 huge vet beds down ... but the other chair is usually filled with cats. As you can see poor Ross can only get his front end on the sofa.
I'm not sure if I'll try Loki back with Kaiah today or not, I find it's always best on a walk. It's a great morning for walking so I may well give it a try. I like my routine of 2 - 3 - 3 for walks but the five have been fun and so was taking Loki with the girls yesterday. I think Loki really just wants to be with the girls at home too .. though he is intimidated by Kaiah! No doubt wherever  I go today I'll have the camera .. catch up later then!