Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Winter Nose

Well Beti what happened to the dragon? She's so funny, so proud of herself. 
Interestingly, someone on Facebook asked about the lighter stripe down her nose, she'd noticed it on her own female and wasn't sure what it was. I told her it was a "winter nose," but she hadn't heard of it. I've discussed it somewhere on this blog before, it's believed to be caused by a decrease in melanin production in the nose, and usually changes back with the change of season. There may be a genetic link, it certainly carries in families, Loki, his mother and sister had it too. It's barely noticeable on Beti.  Google explains it " If your dog's nose turns from its usual dark colour to pink or brown, specifically during the winter, your dog may have what is commonly referred to as “dog snow nose” or “winter nose." The condition, which is called “hypopigmentation,” typically causes a dog's nose to lighten in colour—normally to a pink or light brown. Certain breeds seem to be predisposed to snow nose, suggesting a possible genetic component. It will turn black again when the days get warmer and brighter."
Loki - January 2015