Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Teeth And Hips

24/2/25 - Over the last few days, I'm convinced the bump is getting bigger in her jaw, but Meerah is getting pissed off with me looking, so I'm trying not to be obsessive about it as I don't want to put her off having her teeth looked at. I also thought that yesterday I could see a tiny pinhole in the centre of the area, here's hoping that I'm right but I will still put my plan in force and book an appointment to see Beth next week. After all, it'll be easy to cancel it If I don't need it. I am feeling a tad more positive, but scared to let myself think, "yeah it's there," after all I've read that the bump can be there without the tooth! With everything, my emotions are shot to pieces.
26/2/25 - Still feeling a little more positive, but not to the extent that I would post this online yet. I've taken onboard the advice to see Ken rather than Beth in this case ... so I will.
28/2/25 - I'm even more confident today - come on break through the gum, that has to be a tooth ... doesn't it? There are 10 days between the photo of her teeth, I do see a difference. Let's hope I can start March in a better frame of mind. 
Though this is a post about Meerah's tooth, I must take this opportunity to also make further note of the fact that I'm really apprehensive about her hips. I've commented about all the stops and starts in the field, there is also a stiffness after a walk ... and some awkwardness in getting up from lying down. Of course keeping her fit and active and developing muscle tone will help if there is a problem there. Just in case you think I'm overthinking, Steve has seen it too! Of course, it could be Pano, she's got so tall so quickly, but what makes me doubt that is that she's uncomfortable having her hips manipulated, pano only affects the long bones and not the joints. (It is self limiting by about 24 months.) I'll tell myself what I would tell anyone else, it's too soon to tell and without X-rays it's impossible to tell. Worse case senario, It may well be back to the drawing board for the future of Blanik! 
3/3/25 - I'm glad I'm keeping this post private for the time being as I seem to be getting on people's nerves by discussing it, ah well, never mind. I appreciate everyone has their own shit going on, but for me talking really helps, it's not always about getting advice, just bouncing ideas off friends, but now maybe I need to consider who is in the right frame of mind to listen to my wittering. Talking helps me to get things clear in my mind when I can't decide what I should do next. The majority of people who have seen this picture (above) are still unsure if this is a tooth coming through or the tip of a bump/cyst in the gum where the tooth should be, the tooth could still be impacted. I'm not asking Joe Bloggs, I'm asking experienced people who have been "In Dogs" for 40 odd years ... and if they are unsure it makes me feel better that I am unable to come to a conclusion. To be told today "it's pretty obvious it's there" made me feel small, unnecessarily talked down to. Hell, logically it is, but when we are going through something unfamiliar we are bound to be apprehensive and unable to come to a conclusion. All I needed today was opinions on whether now at 7 months I should take her to a vet, or as it has changed in 10 days, maybe give it another 10 days to see what happens? After all, I don't want to look an idiot in front of a vet, especially if I can get information from someone who may have walked the same path!
4/3 - I'm convinced I can feel the tip of the tooth. I won't feel it again today as I don't want to hassle her, as I said I don't want to put her off having her teeth looked at, maybe I'll try again when she's sleeping, lol. Steve and I chatted last night, we had agreed that due to the change in the 10 days between the 2 photos we'd give her another 10 days and leave things be till after Crufts. See maybe I should just talk to my husband! I'm now cautiously optimistic that I won't have to go to the vets, and we have good news by then eh!
5/3 - Well, the most talked about tooth at Blanik is making an apperance. The whole area looks less inflamed and I have no doubts that the tip of the tooth can be felt. What a roller coaster, but again a learning curve, very important lesson learned, we never stop learning do we! Hopefully if anyone else is in the same situation in future I can give them advice based on first-hand experience. (If only I'd kept detailed notes back in 93/94 eh!) It really is beyond some peoples understanding that one little tooth can mean so much ... for me it's the difference between being able to show and celebrate my lovely pup, or just leaving her at home every weekend, so yeah it really is a big deal!