I have full permission of the breeder to write about this, all he asks is that no one is named. I stress that this puppy has NO Blanik lines, but here comes that line again, you haven't bred it till you have!
A large litter was born and two female puppies had umbilical hernias, one causes concern, an out of hours phone call followed by a visit to the vet the following day. Just for convenience, let's call this puppy Bonnie. After vet help, Bonnie did well, but she was given by the breeder to friends and the best part of a year passed without too much concern, other than some reoccurring bladder infections.
I'm sure we've all heard of Hermaphrodites, we had one during my time at Freshfields, he seemed to be male, but when he went in to be neutered they discovered ovaries attached to his testicles. I remember him well, and have a scar on my leg to make sure I don't forget dear Nicky!
Back to Bonnie, with further veterinarian investigation into the reoccurring bladder infections, it was discovered that Bonnie had male and female reproductive organs and two bladders. It is common, apparently, for hermaphrodites to have abnormalities in the urinary tract, including the presence of more than one bladder.
Bonnie has had major surgery costing over £10,000 and is recovering gradually. Though I don't know them, I wish her and her family all the luck in the world.