6 April Bolton Gsd Champ Show. Judge Mo Lakin.
13 April Sheffield Gsd Champ. Judge Martin Kelly
19 April Working and Pastoral breeds Of Wales. Judge Sylvia Nicholson.
27 April West of England Ladies Kennel Society. Judge I Blackshaw
10 May Birmingham Dog Show Champ. Judge Miss C Marsden.
7 June 3 Counties Champ Show. Judge Miss J Binden.
7 & 8 June British Sieger. Judge Roberto Caputi.???
18 June Royal Cheshire Agricultural Show Premier Open. Judge Shonagh Reid ???
21 June BAGSD Champ. No confirmation of judge ???
22 June Blackpool Champ. Judge Mr D Clarke
29 June Windsor Champ Show. Judge Mrs J Kirby.
3 July Boston & District Canine Society Judge Mrs G Forsyth.
25 July Leeds Champ Show. Judge Mrs D M Stirling
16 Aug WKC. Judge H Corkin
16 Aug North Wales Gsd Champ. Judge Mrs P Cullen
6 Sept Richmond. Dog Show Society Judge Sue Forman.
13 Sept Darlington Dog Show Society. Judge Mr E Engh
28 Sept HOV Champ Show. Judge Joe Summerhill.
11 Oct SWKA - Judge Darren Hoyland
LKA and SWGSD - No date or judge confirmed yet
Dates of shows that I hope to get to this year, of course all subject to change, but some are also a priority. Those with a ??? will just depend on circumstances nearer the time.