Friday 27 September 2024

News And Weather

I have recently realised that the blog looks pretty different on a mobile phone to how it's written and designed on a laptop. So if you want to see it as it should be, go to the bottom of the page/screen on your phone and chose "View web version."
I love black skies and sunshine, and it's even better with baby Beti in the pic. Today was an impossible day to read with the weather changing dramatically from hour to hour. The endless rain over this year has caused us some problems with standing water, We've never experienced standing water in the yard and fields like this before, and of course there is a danger to our dogs and cats from standing water. I'm convinced it was responsible for the giardia that I suspected the dogs had a few months ago. Giardia in the environment is killed by freezing temperatures and direct sunlight, and let's face it, sunlight has been a rare thing this year. Disinfectant and bleach kills it, but the area needs to be thoroughly dried after use, yeah, the ground is saturated, the water is coming up from beneath the paving slabs, where is the water supposed to go? Treatment in the dogs was reasonably easy, panacur over three days did the trick, but the problem with the standing water is still there. Now I wish I hadn't agreed to get the track done, I'm convinced the standing water problem has got worse since it was done, and let's be honest it was only done to please other people. 
It's really hard to think my little family will be leaving me soon, the weeks have passed so quickly. I just know I'm gonna cry, again! I must admit, I'm tired, if you're not tired after a litter, I suggest you are not doing it right. Ok with only the three there has been dramatically less work, but it's still time-consuming and mentally exhausting. Monday will be as much of a shock to Amber as it will be to her siblings, all of a sudden, it'll just be her, a new name and a very different life! Of course, I look forward to getting her out and about and hopefully she can have some meet-ups with her brother. At least when he leaves I'll know that I can see him again ... but it will probably be the last time I see Opal - yes, I'm crying at the thought of it. Hopefully, putting my all into Amber will help me through the impending heartache.