Tuesday 10 September 2024


Little miss Opal is the first escapee, and when you've done it once, well there is no stopping you, is there! 
For the first time last night, the puppies slept alone. Siska was quiet in her crate, but did turn right into the kitchen instead of left to go out this morning. Of course, I allowed her the access, but it was brief as she now choses to start to get back into "normal"life. 
This morning we had to change things round, I've put a crate in the pen and extended the pen out. So there is now a separate sleeping area and a much bigger pee/play area. I will now be able to leave the pen open and give them access to the whole of the kitchen. We also have set up a puppy pen in the yard and in the garden for me to be able to get on with things whilst they are out. The more they get, the more they want! 
With everything secure in the new set-up and Siska outside, I decided to let Beti have a peek at the pups. She was very curious, and surprisingly calm. Sammi also came in and showed great disinterest, which surprised me! Over the next week, weather permitting, the pups can meet all the adults, though of course it may well be through the safety of the pens!