Friday 18 August 2023


A long day yesterday, remind me never to take three dogs again, OK I probably won't listen! WKC Callan 2nd in PGD and called back in to challenge, 1st in PGD NWGSD and taken into the challenge by is proud breeder. Orin 2nd in limit at WKC and 3rd at NWGSD. Tatty coat Siska last in PGB at WKC and First at NWGSD (That's her out of PGB and 2.5 years old 😮 ) Sammi last twice in VB, but she didn't care! Very proud of Orin's daughters Lyra and Mayzee who were 1st and second in MPB at both shows. Lyra taking BPIB at WKC and BPB as well as best LC puppy at NWGSD. 
Following my "vision disturbances" yesterday, I've been back to the Doctors today. He also thinks my prolonged head issues are down to tension and stress, but of course, because of my history he understands my concern. Thanks to everyone for their support yesterday, thanks to Sarah as usual for her super handling, and well done to all my friends who had a successful day, especially Jackie with Kai winning JD twice!