Saturday 18 March 2023

Guess Work

"The biggest litter size, therefore, will be achieved when a bitch is bred two days after ovulation, when both semen and eggs will be at their peak viability. However, a successful pregnancy can still result if the bitch is bred any time between the 2 days prior to ovulation to the 4 days after ovulation."
Until I tested Tali I'd had never tested a bitch before and we did still travel, South Wales for Arko Vom Hunhengrab and Apollo Von Dakota, Crewe for Chanask Jamiroquai and the sire of the B litter, whose name currently escapes me (and I'm too lazy to look it up - it will come to me) and we met Rangmore Arko near Queenseferry. We went twice 48 hrs apart and hoped for the best ... I think the earliest was with Nikki, day 10 and 12 - she had 8. 
Of course where testing comes into it's own is when you have bitches like Kaiah, without the test we simply would not have got her pregnant, she's just so bloody late! Sammi is also late, but ovulation on day 16 is still doable had we mated on day 14 - but Kaiah doesn't ovulate till day 20, when most bitches have gone over! 
Oh ... Fabelhalf Arazi ... that was his name!