On Xmas eve we went to bed at around 11pm and watched a bit of telly .. lights went off and we soon snoozed off. But just after 1pm Asha was shouting and I got up and let her out. I followed her out with a torch .. as you do in the cold and dark in the middle of Winter, and yes that she had diarrhea. A combination of mud, sheep shit and that disgusting bone she'd found on the walk I thought. Anyway I went back to bed and just after 4am she started again. Steve let her out and again we tried to settle for the night. That is when Sammi started to create, I ignored her for a while and then thought I better let her out. Surprise surprise she didn't want to go and jumped about with great excitement. I went back to bed, within minutes I heard the bedroom door creak .. I said to Steve .. there's a cat in here .. No, it's not possible we conclude .. and then we heard the purring, Steve put the lights on and there was Junior. But how? Well after letting Sammi out I'd locked the outside door, yes turned the key but in the dark I hadn't closed the door properly. Well that's a first, what a wally! The lights went off again, I had barely closed my eyes when Nico poked me with his cold wet nose .. "Go to bed Nico!" Off he went, but he started he heave and I was off out of bed again. Bless him he had tried to tell me! As soon as the light went off again I could hear Sammi's winging and after some ridiculous giggling from the two of us I got up again and gave her a mouthful of verbal abuse, made a cuppa and went back to bed. It was after 5am by then ... we eventually settled to sleep but just after 6am Sammi started again. I put my head under the duvet and knackered I managed to ignored her. Maybe I shouldn't have, when we got up I realised Asha had been sick. Trust me this is not normality, usually the troops sleep all night without a murmur .. until the Kaiah alarm goes off between 8 and 8.15am that is of course!
Last night Asha got me up again, it was sometime between 1am and 2am, but she did need to go. She's been on white fish and potato yesterday and this morning so hopefully things will settle now. Without putting a muzzle on her it is impossible to stop her foraging and eating on walks .. I guess we just all have to live with the consequences!!!!