Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Will We Ever Get There?

 I believe in some situations that you can feel sorry for yourself but still pleased for another, especially if they are your friends. You really can't be a loyal friend if you can't celebrate a friends' success, even if the outcome is a negative one for you. I know the feeling of disappointment so well, more recently on two occasions when I really thought Orin's RCC was in the bag .. it went elsewhere and I felt the slump into the pit of my stomach. 
I've been playing this game for over 30 years, stuck to my guns on type and health tests, but I'm still waiting for my first champion. So bear in mind what I said earlier, I don't want to come over as a jealous bitch, but sometimes when I see people buying in their first dog and getting to the top straight away I do wonder why I bother? What am I doing wrong? I'm not saying all the Blaniks deserve a title, but Dexi, Aria, Louis and Loki without doubt deserved to get there. Dexi managed 1 CC and 3 RCC ... Aria 2 CC and 1 RCC, but they really were different times, and I don't think either were ever exhibited in classes of less than 10. 
Maybe I fecked it up for Louis, I insisted on handling him myself and ignored advice to allow a handler to take him in. Now I look back on that with regret, but I did love handling him. There is no doubt that covid deprived Loki of further top honours, and he too in most peoples eyes should have picked up that second CC when he got the RCC to quite a shocking male.
Orin and Siska are amazing. Siska has wonderful conformation, in stance she is a picture, but her laid back, bordering on lazy attitude in the ring does her no favours. Orin may not be as correct but his movement takes my breath away. I'm kidding myself if I think either will make their titles, one because of her lazy attitude, the other mainly because of his eye colour ... shit isn't it!
So then onto the next generation. I can't deny that I've cried so much over Beti's health test results .. and the self-indulgent question comes to mind again, "why me?" Beti is a little cracker, attitude, conformation, movement and colour ... but that is where it will have to stop. My conscience would not allow me to breed from a female with an elbow abnormality. All I can hope is that she lives a long and comfortable life and that we can share as many show days together as is possible, Beti loves show days. 
Meerah is still too young to pin any hopes on her little (well tall) shoulders. If this tooth doesn't come through .. and no it hasn't, then her show career is over before it starts. I wouldn't breed from a bitch who has a missing p1 either ... so another pet! Of course now the seed is planted re her hips too ... maybe she has a touch of pano, let's hope, but I have noticed the constant stretching and sitting. Bless her, unlike Beti, Orin and Siska her show career hasn't really started with a bang has it, I have to tell myself that it can only get better!!!