Friday, 21 February 2025

Delayed Eruption

 Yesterday I did some research and reading. 
"Permanent teeth in your dog should be visible by 7 months of age. If that’s not the case, the teeth may have been entrapped by bone or gum tissue. This condition is known as a delayed eruption.
Along with dental x-rays to evaluate the tooth/teeth location and orientation, the age of your pet will help determine the appropriate treatment. For pets under 9 months of age, the overlying gum tissue and/or bone can be removed to clear the eruption path for the impacted teeth. For pets over 9-10 months of age, the impacted teeth may not grow beyond the gum and extraction will be needed to prevent cyst formation."
My thoughts now are to obviously wait until she's 7 months and see if a tooth makes its way out, if there is nothing there by then, then we have to take her for X-ray's and then decided on the path forward. 
The best news would be for a tooth to manage its way through the gum in the next 2 weeks, the worst case would be that there is no tooth there at all. Looking at the photo and feeling the gum it gives the impression that there is a tooth, I have always been convinced that there was, but ... 
"If a puppy is missing a tooth, there might be a noticeable bump on the gum where the tooth should be, especially if the tooth is simply "unerupted" and still developing beneath the gumline, potentially forming a fluid-filled cyst called a "dentigerous cyst" that can appear as a soft swelling; it's important to consult your veterinarian to properly assess the situation as this could require further investigation and treatment depending on the cause. "
If the tooth is there but impacted, then she will need treatment before she's 9 months old .. if it's not there, then feck knows what happens next. I have already been asked last night if I will rehome her? Well the show person and breeder would, but it's never been what I'm about, and I don't know how I could do it, but it would be pointless showing her under breed judges. The first thing judges check in their assessment of dogs is that they have a correct bite, the second things is that they have all the teeth, giving the P1's a priority. I simply can not afford to pay £30 to take a dog to a show knowing they would not stand a chance of being anywhere but at the back of the class, I must be able to go in with some hope of success. 
I am currently really feeling deflated, as well as tears, that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This year really has not started well ... Loki, Beti's elbow and now this ... honestly it may not be a big deal to many, but to me this is huge and could be devastating. My gut feeling is telling me that there is a tooth there. To my knowledge I've never bred a puppy with a missing tooth before, but you've never bred it till you have eh! I know I have Siska to fall back on for the future of my line and though I don't know if there is a genetic link to missing teeth, I would have to consider a different male if this combination has produced this abnormality ... it really isn't where I wanted to go, but I don't see any other options, especially as Orin's studs have also come to a full stop!