I have no interest in football, rugby or any sports to be honest. Steve tells me how Everton have done, and I show interest for his benefit. Anyway, I heard on the news that some bloke high up in the football world has been convicted of "sexually assaulting" a female player. Oh Wow serious, or so I thought ... till I went on to watch this bloke, (excuse me ignorance but I don't know his name) kiss the player on a podium. Ok ... so when did the sexual assault happen? Was that it? Now this is all becoming nuts, a kiss probably in high spirits and in front of millions of people, possibly inappropriate but sexual assault? Really? I guess there are degrees of inappropriate, but to me that scenario makes a mockery and downplays the seriousness of what some people, male and female, have been through. I'm sorry, I don't get it!
Then let's move on to Phil Schofield, Wynne Evans and Gino ... there was roughly the same age gap between Phil and his love interest as there is between Stephen Fry and his husband, yet one is crucified and loses his career the other doesn't. Wynne Evans made an inappropriate joke, he didn't kill anyone or hurt anyone .. and it's a joke I've heard hundreds of times, just obviously in different company! Gino, I love Gino. Promoted and encouraged to use his lack of language skills for innuendos and laughs but someone is "offended!" OMG, unless there is more to it than I know, then the world has gone fecking nuts! The things I've said and that have been said to me over the years, banter, fun ... it even makes me scared of cracking a joke at a dog show. Crazy world!