Saturday, 15 February 2025

How Did You Get There Meerah?

Steve asked the other day ... "What happened to our perfect little puppy?" Well, I guess she has become a very naughty teenager, as they do. So how did she get there? Human error again, and it wasn't me! The second Mr S feck up this week. On Thursday he decided to let Beti out of her crate whilst I was out with Ross, Sammi and Meerah. No problem until he opened the outside door and she joined us in the field. A few raised hackles and grumbles with Sammi, but the delight of being with Meerah was distracting enough and the young girls bombed off together. (When I think Beti bumped into Meerah) So what possessed him? Well Beti was barking so he thought he'd just let her lose around the kitchen, but then he decided to bring the recycling out and Beti found her moment and came to join us!