Ok, yeah, she looks fab. I'm very happy with what I see construction wise. I love her colour and coat, and her movement is coming together nicely. The negatives, there is still that tooth to come through, I'm convinced it's there, but I won't relax till it is ... and yeah of course her height. I did measure her on Sunday, she's 57cms now. I can't imagine she'll stay within the correct height for regionals, she only has 4 CMs to go, and she'll be over, (well 3 actually just the 1 CM of leeway is permissible!) She's now on a parr with Sammi I think ... well Kaiah was 57.5cms at 6 months, Beti was 56 and is now 59cms. Lets just see what she is at 6 months eh. A bit crazy that a CM or 2 can make such a difference, but as I've said before, it's the rules of the game we play!