Wednesday, 15 January 2025

From The Past Came The Future

Walking the fields today I was thinking about the future of Blanik. I've had several puppy enquiries, but there are no immediate plans for a litter. I know that Siska only reared 3 pups, but at the moment I don't envisage a second litter for her. Keeping numbers manageably sensible here is paramount, I never breed for the market, only when there is room at the inn! Of course, a lot depends on Beti and Meerah, Beti is a cracking female, and if her health tests are favourable she will probably be the dam of the "N" litter, but if they are not and Meerah's are, then the baton passes on to her. Of course, if neither have good health tests, then I'll have to back-track to Siska. In a years time, I should have a plan of action.
As I mentioned, I was considering my options whilst walking the fields, and I decided to get photos of the girls together for the blog .. Ross had other ideas, "me too," you have to laugh don't you! 
These girls both go back through the generations of Blanik to Nikki my foundation in 1993. The only difference of course is that Beti is Orin's daughter bringing in the "K" litter and missing the "J" litter and Meerah is Siska's daughter so bringing in the "J" and "L" litter and missing out the "K" litter. Sammi from the "I" litter was the dam of the "J" and "K" litter so obviously both lines go back through her to Nikki.
Nikki was a lovely girl, always with her kong in her mouth. Her father, International Champion Rosehurst Chris was a game changer for the breed. Ok maybe he would be considered a little extreme now, but without doubt he improved type in the breed. I hope you would agree by looking at these photos of Nikki, that I haven't moved that far from my roots in the breed, my goal was to improve without losing a moderate unexaggerated type of dog. 
Anyway I hope the future is in safe hands with Beti and Meerah, they are both lovely sweet girls. Chalk and cheese in many ways, but affectionate and confident. Beti is more of a live wire, whilst Meerah like her parents is pretty chilled. Onwards with hope of more success for Blanik ....