Monday, 6 January 2025


Now, this is the kind of snow I was hoping for this morning, not the slushy mess that we have! It was snowing when we went to bed and by 4 am everywhere was covered in snow. (yes I got up to look) 
By 7.15am it was already raining, now we have a dangerous mixture of snow and rain in the yard. There is a river running from the mountain and flowing via the top field into the yard where it's all collecting by the gate as it has nowhere to go. There's a moat around the van, and that is covered in splashes of mud. I know it's called Winter, but I'd just hoped for a couple of crisp snowy days that didn't fall on Manchester Ch. weekend! I'm going to get the troops out now, but I'll have to watch Loki as he gave himself "Snow Gastritis" yesterday, again!!! Actually, Beti did too, but she wasn't as bloated. Father and daughter in the memory photos - Kai and Asha (Kaiser Vom Conbhairean and Blanik Georgette in the pedigrees)