Sunday, 12 January 2025

Kong V Chuckit

Father Xmas bought two new orange Kongs for Ross. One was to go in the van, the other in the house, but in just a matter of weeks they are both falling apart. They really do normally last longer than this. Ross doesn't like black or red kongs, he likes the softer aqua ones and because he swims then he needs the aqua kong. I do wonder if the quality is not as good as it was? I expect to buy him one or two a year, but this is silly. I know from previous experiences that messaging kong won't get me anywhere, it's a retrieving toy, not a chewing toy. 
I'm going to try and convince Ross to use the chuckit balls again, he and Kaiah loved the original ones, but when we got the larger size for safety they were not amused! (Photo of Kaiah and Ross above.)
You want me to bring this???
Better than nothing, I guess!